Catalog Item

The Catalog Item displays Products, Offers, and other resources with a large amount of detail to display in list form.

Sage Component

<%= sage_component SageAlert, {
  color: "warning",
  title: "Deprecated",
  desc:  "Catalog Item usage is no longer recommended. Please use the #{link_to "List component", "/pages/component/list"} instead to construct a similar experience or as a replacement option.".html_safe,
  icon_name: "danger-filled",
} %>

<%= sage_component SageCardList, {} do %>
  <% 2.times do %>
    <%= sage_component SageCatalogItem, {
      title: "Fun For All - The Children Call: Their Favorite Time Of Year",
      image: "card-placeholder-sm.png",
      href: "#"
    } do %>
      <%= sage_component SageButton, {
        style: "secondary",
        subtle: true,
        small: true,
        icon: { name: "comment", style: "left" },
        value: "5 Golden Eggs",
      } %>
      <%= sage_component SageButton, {
        style: "secondary",
        subtle: true,
        small: true,
        icon: { name: "users", style: "left" },
        value: "3 Geese A-Laying",
      } %>
      <%= content_for :sage_aside do %>
        <%= sage_component SageDropdown, {
          align: "right",
          items: [{
            value: sage_component(SageBadge, { color: "published", value: "Publish" }),
            attributes: { "href": "#" },
          }, {
            value: sage_component(SageBadge, { color: "info", value: "Drip" }),
            attributes: { "href": "#" },
          }, {
            value: sage_component(SageBadge, { color: "draft", value: "Draft" }),
            attributes: { "href": "#" },
          }, {
            value: "Delete Category",
            icon: "trash",
            style: "danger",
            attributes: { "href": "#" },
        } do %>
          <%= sage_component SageBadge, {
            color: "info",
            interactive_type: :dropdown,
            value: "Drip",
          } %>
        <% end %>
        <%= sage_component SageDropdown, {
          align: "right",
          items: [{
            value: "Edit Item",
            icon: "pen",
            attributes: {
              "href": "#",
        } do %>
          <%= sage_component SageButton, {
            style: "secondary",
            icon: { name: "dot-menu-horizontal", style: "only" },
            value: "Edit",
            align: "end",
            subtle: true,
          } %>
        <% end %>
      <% end %>
    <% end %>
  <% end %>
  <% 2.times do %>
    <%= sage_component SageCatalogItem, {
      title: "Fun For All – The Children Call: Their Favorite Time Of Year",
      icon: "mail",
      href: "#"
    } do %>
      <%= sage_component SageButton, {
        style: "secondary",
        subtle: true,
        small: true,
        icon: { name: "comment", style: "left" },
        value: "5 Golden Eggs",
      } %>
      <%= sage_component SageButton, {
        style: "secondary",
        subtle: true,
        small: true,
        icon: { name: "users", style: "left" },
        value: "3 Geese A-Laying",
      } %>
      <%= sage_component SageButton, {
        style: "secondary",
        subtle: true,
        small: true,
        icon: { name: "coupon", style: "left" },
        value: "1 Partridge In A Pear Tree",
      } %>
      <%= content_for :sage_aside do %>
        <%= sage_component SageDropdown, {
          align: "right",
          items: [{
            value: sage_component(SageBadge, { color: "published", value: "Publish" }),
            attributes: { "href": "#" },
          }, {
            value: sage_component(SageBadge, { color: "info", value: "Drip" }),
            attributes: { "href": "#" },
          }, {
            value: sage_component(SageBadge, { color: "draft", value: "Draft" }),
            attributes: { "href": "#" },
          }, {
            value: "Delete Category",
            icon: "trash",
            style: "danger",
            attributes: { "href": "#" },
        } do %>
          <%= sage_component SageBadge, {
            color: "info",
            interactive_type: :dropdown,
            value: "Drip",
          } %>
        <% end %>
        <%= sage_component SageDropdown, {
          align: "right",
          items: [{
            value: "Edit Item",
            icon: "pen",
            attributes: {
              "href": "#",
        } do %>
          <%= sage_component SageButton, {
            style: "secondary",
            icon: { name: "dot-menu-horizontal", style: "only" },
            value: "Edit",
            align: "end",
            subtle: true,
          } %>
        <% end %>
      <% end %>
    <% end %>
  <% end %>
  <% 2.times do %>
    <%= sage_component SageCatalogItem, {
      title: "Fun For All – The Children Call: Their Favorite Time Of Year",
      href: "#"
    } do %>
      <%= sage_component SageButton, {
        style: "secondary",
        subtle: true,
        small: true,
        icon: { name: "comment", style: "left" },
        value: "5 Golden Eggs",
      } %>
      <%= sage_component SageButton, {
        style: "secondary",
        subtle: true,
        small: true,
        icon: { name: "users", style: "left" },
        value: "3 Geese A-Laying",
      } %>
      <%= sage_component SageButton, {
        style: "secondary",
        subtle: true,
        small: true,
        icon: { name: "coupon", style: "left" },
        value: "1 Partridge In A Pear Tree",
      } %>
      <%= content_for :sage_aside do %>
        <%= sage_component SageDropdown, {
          align: "right",
          items: [{
            value: sage_component(SageBadge, { color: "published", value: "Publish" }),
            attributes: { "href": "#" },
          }, {
            value: sage_component(SageBadge, { color: "info", value: "Drip" }),
            attributes: { "href": "#" },
          }, {
            value: sage_component(SageBadge, { color: "draft", value: "Draft" }),
            attributes: { "href": "#" },
          }, {
            value: "Delete Category",
            icon: "trash",
            style: "danger",
            attributes: { "href": "#" },
        } do %>
          <%= sage_component SageBadge, {
            color: "info",
            interactive_type: :dropdown,
            value: "Drip",
          } %>
        <% end %>
        <%= sage_component SageDropdown, {
          align: "right",
          items: [{
            value: "Edit Item",
            icon: "pen",
            attributes: {
              "href": "#",
        } do %>
          <%= sage_component SageButton, {
            style: "secondary",
            icon: { name: "dot-menu-horizontal", style: "only" },
            value: "Edit",
            align: "end",
            subtle: true,
          } %>
        <% end %>
      <% end %>
    <% end %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>
Property Description Type Default


Applies link to the title




Image for the catalog item




Title text of the catalog item




Icon for the catalog item






This area holds the dropdown menu for this component.
