Page Heading
Page headings are used at the top of pages and contain the title of the page along with optional breadcrumbs, help link, action buttons, toolbar, and intro text.
Standalone Page Heading
Page Title
Page Heading with Back Link
Page Title
Page Heading with Help Link
Page Title
Page Heading with Help Content
Page Title
This is a block of content.
Page Heading with Action Buttons
Page Title
Page Heading with Toolbar (Tabs)
Page Title
Page Heading w/ Toolbar + Secondary Text
Page Title

1 Email in Sequence
Page Heading w/ Intro
Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Nemo dolorum esse modi ut ipsa corporis.
Page Title
Page Heading w/ All Items
Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Nemo dolorum esse modi ut ipsa corporis.
Page Title
This is a block of content.

1 Email in Sequence
Sage Component
<h3 class="t-sage-heading-6">Standalone Page Heading</h3>
<%= sage_component SagePageHeading, {
title: "Page Title",
spacer: { bottom: :xl },
} %>
<h3 class="t-sage-heading-6">Page Heading with Back Link</h3>
<%= sage_component SagePageHeading, {
title: "Page Title",
spacer: { bottom: :xl },
} do %>
<% content_for :sage_breadcrumbs do %>
<%= sage_component SageBreadcrumbs, {
items: [
text: 'Back to Something',
url: '#'
} %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<h3 class="t-sage-heading-6">Page Heading with Help Link</h3>
<%= sage_component SagePageHeading, {
title: "Page Title",
spacer: { bottom: :xl },
help_title: "About This Cool Thing",
help_link: {
href: "#",
name: "Help"
} %>
<h3 class="t-sage-heading-6">Page Heading with Help Content</h3>
<%= sage_component SagePageHeading, {
title: "Page Title",
spacer: { bottom: :xl },
help_title: "About This Cool Thing",
help_html: "<p class=\"t-sage-body-small\">This is a block of content.</p>",
help_link: {
href: "#",
name: "Learn more about cool things"
} %>
<h3 class="t-sage-heading-6">Page Heading with Action Buttons</h3>
<%= sage_component SagePageHeading, {
title: "Page Title",
spacer: { bottom: :xl },
} do %>
<% content_for :sage_page_heading_actions do %>
<%= sage_component SagePopover, {
icon: "preview-on",
trigger_value: "Preview",
trigger_icon_only: false,
popover_position: "bottom-right"
} do %>
<% end %>
<%= sage_component SageButton, {
style: "primary",
icon: { name: "add", style: "left" },
value: "Create",
} %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<h3 class="t-sage-heading-6">Page Heading with Toolbar (Tabs)</h3>
<%= sage_component SagePageHeading, {
title: "Page Title",
spacer: { bottom: :xl },
} do %>
<% content_for :sage_page_heading_toolbar do %>
<%= sage_component SageTabs, {
items: [
text: "Active",
active: true
text: "Inactive",
text: "Inactive",
text: "Inactive",
} %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<h3 class="t-sage-heading-6">Page Heading w/ Toolbar + Secondary Text</h3>
<%= sage_component SagePageHeading, {
title: "Page Title",
spacer: { bottom: :xl },
secondary_text: "1 Email in Sequence",
} do %>
<% content_for :sage_page_heading_image do %>
<%= image_tag "card-placeholder-sm.png" %>
<% end %>
<% content_for :sage_page_heading_toolbar do %>
<%= sage_component SageButton, {
style: "secondary",
subtle: true,
icon: { name: "preview-on", style: "left" },
value: "Preview",
<%= sage_component SageButton, {
style: "secondary",
subtle: true,
icon: { name: "chart", style: "left" },
value: "Report",
<%= sage_component SageButton, {
style: "secondary",
subtle: true,
icon: { name: "gear", style: "left" },
value: "Settings",
<% end %>
<% end %>
<h3 class="t-sage-heading-6">Page Heading w/ Intro</h3>
<%= sage_component SagePageHeading, {
title: "Page Title",
spacer: { bottom: :xl },
} do %>
<% content_for :sage_page_heading_intro do %>
<p>Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Nemo dolorum esse modi ut ipsa corporis.</p>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<h3 class="t-sage-heading-6">Page Heading w/ All Items</h3>
<%= sage_component SagePageHeading, {
title: "Page Title",
spacer: { bottom: :xl },
help_title: "About This Cool Thing",
help_html: "<p class=\"t-sage-body-small\">This is a block of content.</p>",
help_link: {
href: "#",
name: "Learn more about cool things"
secondary_text: "1 Email in Sequence",
} do %>
<% content_for :sage_breadcrumbs do %>
<%= sage_component SageBreadcrumbs, {
items: [{
text: "Back to Something",
url: "#"
}, {
text: "Back to Something",
url: "#"
}, {
text: "Back to Something",
url: "#"
} %>
<% end %>
<% content_for :sage_page_heading_actions do %>
<%= sage_component SageButton, {
style: "secondary",
icon: { name: "preview-on", style: "only" },
attributes: { "data-js-tooltip": "Preview" },
subtle: true,
value: "Preview",
} %>
<%= sage_component SageButton, {
style: "primary",
icon: { name: "add", style: "left" },
value: "Create",
} %>
<% end %>
<% content_for :sage_page_heading_toolbar do %>
<%= sage_component SageButton, {
style: "secondary",
subtle: true,
icon: { name: "preview-on", style: "left" },
value: "Preview",
<%= sage_component SageButton, {
style: "secondary",
subtle: true,
icon: { name: "chart", style: "left" },
value: "Report",
<%= sage_component SageButton, {
style: "secondary",
subtle: true,
icon: { name: "gear", style: "left" },
value: "Settings",
<% end %>
<% content_for :sage_page_heading_image do %>
<%= image_tag "card-placeholder-sm.png" %>
<% end %>
<% content_for :sage_page_heading_intro do %>
<p>Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Nemo dolorum esse modi ut ipsa corporis.</p>
<% end %>
<% end %>
Property | Description | Type | Default |
HTML that is passed to help link popover |
Hash |
Array containing help link |
Hash |
Text for help link. |
String |
Secondary text for page heading. |
String |
Title text for page heading. |
String |
Sections |
This area holds the breadcrumbs at the top of the component. |
This area holds the buttons that will navigate to subpages. |
This area holds the cta buttons for the component. |
This area holds the page intro text |
This area holds the page heading image |