Set up neatly-formatted lists of content in bordered rows with some additional optional decorations.
Default configuration
is implemented most simply by passing the desired contents for the items through the SageList
This assumes that the contents of the list are already formatted as desired or you're outputting simple content values.
Item Product lorem
Item Product ipsum
Item Product dolor sit
Item Product amet
Item Product vel aliquam
Sortable configuration
Sortable lists can be created with SageList
by adding sortable: true
and a sortable_resource
You can also pass a sortable_update_url
for sorting callbacks to items
that will be called after the user finishes sorting an item.
Item Product lorem
Item Product ipsum
Item Product dolor sit
Item Product amet
Item Product vel aliquam
Fully draggable row
By default only the drag handle is active for dragging/sorting a row.
However, drag_handle_type
can be set to "row"
in order to allow the whole row to be draggable instead.
Item Product lorem
Item Product ipsum
Item Product dolor sit
Item Product amet
Item Product vel aliquam
Compositional approach
If you need more native content formatting you can instead opt to render items using a nested loop and the SageListItem
Note that this example also implements the Reveal utility class.
Product lorem
Item 1 specs
Product ipsum
Item 2 specs
Product dolor sit
Item 3 specs
Product amet
Item 4 specs
Product vel aliquam
Item 5 specs
Other Action Items
Sage Component
def dropdown_items(id)
sample_product_actions = [
slug: "duplicate",
name: "Duplicate",
slug: "archive",
name: "Archive",
slug: "stats",
name: "View stats",
slug: "delete",
name: "Delete permanently",
style: "danger",
].map do | action |
attributes: {
href: "#action/#{action[:slug]}/#{id}",
style: action[:style] || nil,
value: action[:name],
sample_products = [
id: 1,
name: 'Product lorem',
id: 2,
name: 'Product ipsum',
id: 3,
name: 'Product dolor sit',
id: 4,
name: 'Product amet',
id: 5,
name: 'Product vel aliquam',
<h3 class="<%= SageClassnames::TYPE::HEADING_6 %>">Default configuration</h3>
<%= md("
`SageList` is implemented most simply by passing the desired contents for the items through the `SageList` `items` property.
This assumes that the contents of the list are already formatted as desired or you're outputting simple content values.
", use_sage_type: true) %>
<%= sage_component SageList, {
items: { | item | {
content: "Item #{item[:name]}",
id: "example-default-item-#{item[:id]}",
more_actions: { items: dropdown_items(item[:id]) },
} %>
<h3 class="<%= SageClassnames::TYPE::HEADING_6 %>">Sortable configuration</h3>
<%= md("
Sortable lists can be created with `SageList` by adding `sortable: true` and a `sortable_resource`.
You can also pass a `sortable_update_url` for sorting callbacks to items
that will be called after the user finishes sorting an item.
", use_sage_type: true) %>
<%= sage_component SageList, {
sortable: true,
sortable_resource: "sample_products",
items: { | item | {
content: "Item #{item[:name]}",
id: "example-sortable-item-#{item[:id]}",
more_actions: { items: dropdown_items(item[:id]) },
sortable_update_url: "#sortable-update-url?item=#{item[:id]}",
} %>
<h3 class="<%= SageClassnames::TYPE::HEADING_6 %>">Fully draggable row</h3>
<%= md('
By default only the drag handle is active for dragging/sorting a row.
However, `drag_handle_type` can be set to `"row"` in order to allow the whole row to be draggable instead.
', use_sage_type: true) %>
<%= sage_component SageList, {
sortable: true,
sortable_resource: "sample_products_2",
items: { | item | {
content: "Item #{item[:name]}",
id: "example-fully-draggable-item-#{item[:id]}",
more_actions: { items: dropdown_items(item[:id]) },
sortable_update_url: "#sortable-update-url?item=#{item[:id]}",
drag_handle_type: "row",
} %>
<h3 class="<%= SageClassnames::TYPE::HEADING_6 %>">Compositional approach</h3>
<%= md("
If you need more native content formatting you can instead opt to render items using a nested loop and the `SageListItem` component.
Note that this example also implements the [Reveal utility class](#{pages_helpers_path(:reveal)}).
", use_sage_type: true) %>
<%= sage_component SageList, {
sortable: true,
sortable_resource: "sample_products_3",
drag_handle_type: "row",
} do %>
<% sample_products.each do | item | %>
<%= sage_component SageListItem, {
id: "example-default-item-#{item[:id]}",
more_actions: { items: dropdown_items(item[:id]) },
sortable_update_url: "#sortable-update-url?item={item[:id]}",
css_classes: SageClassnames::REVEAL_CONTAINER,
} do %>
<%= sage_component SageCardRow, { grid_template: "ete" } do %>
<img src="/assets/card-placeholder-lg.png" width="64" alt="" />
<%= sage_component SageCardBlock, {} do %>
<h4><%= item[:name] %></h4>
<p>Item <%= item[:id] %> specs</p>
<% end %>
<%= sage_component SageButtonGroup, {
gap: :md,
css_classes: SageClassnames::REVEAL_ON_CONTAINER_HOVER
} do %>
<%= sage_component SageButton, {
value: "Preview",
style: "secondary",
subtle: true,
icon: { name: "preview-on", style: "only" }
} %>
<%= sage_component SageButton, {
value: "Edit",
style: "secondary",
subtle: true,
icon: { name: "pen", style: "only" }
} %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<h3 class="<%= SageClassnames::TYPE::HEADING_6 %>">Other Action Items</h3>
<%= sage_component SageList, {
sortable: false,
} do %>
<% sample_products.each do | item | %>
<%= sage_component SageListItem, {
more_actions: { items: dropdown_items(item[:id]) },
} do %>
<%= sage_component SageCardRow, { grid_template: "ete" } do %>
<img src="/assets/card-placeholder-lg.png" width="120" height="64" alt="" />
<%= sage_component SageCardBlock, {} do %>
<%= sage_component SageLink, {
spacer: { bottom: "2xs" },
css_classes: SageClassnames::TYPE::HEADING_4,
url: "#",
label: item[:name],
remove_underline: true,
show_label: true,
style: "secondary"
} %>
<%= sage_component SagePropertyGroup, {} do %>
<%= sage_component SageProperty, { icon: "calendar-date", value: "April 20th, 2020" } %>
<%= sage_component SageProperty, { icon: "users", value: "14 Users" } %>
<%= sage_component SageProperty, { icon: "clock", value: "1 hr" } %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<%= sage_component SageButtonGroup, {
gap: :md,
} do %>
<%= sage_component SageBadge, {
color: "published",
value: "Community",
<%= sage_component SageButton, {
value: "Preview",
style: "secondary",
subtle: true,
icon: { name: "preview-on", style: "only" }
} %>
<%= sage_component SageButton, {
value: "Edit",
style: "secondary",
subtle: true,
icon: { name: "pen", style: "only" }
} %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
Property | Description | Type | Default |
SageList (container) |
Provide the set of items to render within the list. |
See schema for |
By default only the drag handle is active for dragging/sorting a row.
However, |
Provide the resource name for a sortable list. Required only when |
String |
SageListItem |
Unique identifier for the list item. |
String |
Optional set of actions to appear in a dropdown at the end of the row. |
See schema for SageDropdown |
Whether or not to show a sortable drag handle on this row. |
Boolean |
If |
String |