
A Hero is used to call attention to new features or content. The hero is flexible in size and can contain text, illustrations, full-bleed images, and a full-bleed video thumbnail.

React Component


There are two sizes for the Hero component: small and large. The small Hero component takes up a portion of the viewport width and the large Hero component takes up the entire viewport width.


Learn with Kajabi in our live workshops

Did you know we offer free workshops? Kajabi experts host live workshops every week on topics from marketing your products to building out your Kajabi account.

Multi-layered illustration of UI elements and woman clasping her hands together in excitement


Learn with Kajabi in our live workshops

Did you know we offer free workshops? Kajabi experts host live workshops every week on topics from marketing your products to building out your Kajabi account.

Multi-layered illustration of UI elements and woman clasping her hands together in excitement


When the Hero is set to borderless, the Hero will have no border.

Learn with Kajabi in our live workshops

Did you know we offer free workshops? Kajabi experts host live workshops every week on topics from marketing your products to building out your Kajabi account.

Multi-layered illustration of UI elements and woman clasping her hands together in excitement


When the Hero is set to contained, the Hero will have margins that push the image away from the sides of the Hero container.

Introducing the Kajabi template store

Did you know we offer free workshops? Kajabi experts host live workshops every week on topics from marketing your products to building out your Kajabi account.

Multi layered illustration of UI elements and woman smiling to the camera

Custom Background

When the Hero has a custom background color, the background color will be applied to the entire Hero.

Learn with Kajabi in our live workshops

Did you know we offer free workshops? Kajabi experts host live workshops every week on topics from marketing your products to building out your Kajabi account.

Multi-layered illustration of UI elements and woman clasping her hands together in excitement

Image Start

When the image is set to start, the image will be placed at the start of the Hero component.

Learn with Kajabi in our live workshops

Did you know we offer free workshops? Kajabi experts host live workshops every week on topics from marketing your products to building out your Kajabi account.

Multi-layered illustration of UI elements and woman clasping her hands together in excitement

CTA Attribute

When the Hero has a CTA attribute, the CTA will be applied to the Hero image.

Learn with Kajabi in our live workshops

Did you know we offer free workshops? Kajabi experts host live workshops every week on topics from marketing your products to building out your Kajabi account.

Multi-layered illustration of UI elements and woman clasping her hands together in excitement

Modal title

Add a description of the content you're showing in the modal.

Sage Component

<p>There are two sizes for the Hero component: small and large. The small Hero component takes up a portion of the viewport width and the large Hero component takes up the entire viewport width.</p>


<%= sage_component SageHero, {
  title: "Learn with Kajabi in our live workshops",
  description: "Did you know we offer free workshops? Kajabi experts host live workshops every week on topics from marketing your products to building out your Kajabi account.",
  image: "hero-workshop-placeholder.jpg",
  alt_text: "Multi-layered illustration of UI elements and woman clasping her hands together in excitement",
  size: "small",
} do %>
  <% content_for :sage_hero_footer_actions do %>
    <%= sage_component SageButton, {
      value: "Learn more",
      style: "primary",
    } %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

<%= sage_component SageHero, {
  title: "Learn with Kajabi in our live workshops",
  description: "Did you know we offer free workshops? Kajabi experts host live workshops every week on topics from marketing your products to building out your Kajabi account.",
  image: "hero-workshop-placeholder.jpg",
  alt_text: "Multi-layered illustration of UI elements and woman clasping her hands together in excitement",
  size: "large",
} do %>
  <% content_for :sage_hero_footer_actions do %>
    <%= sage_component SageButton, {
      value: "Learn more",
      style: "primary",
    } %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

<%= sage_component SageDivider, {} %>

<p>When the Hero is set to borderless, the Hero will have no border.</p>

<%= sage_component SageHero, {
  title: "Learn with Kajabi in our live workshops",
  description: "Did you know we offer free workshops? Kajabi experts host live workshops every week on topics from marketing your products to building out your Kajabi account.",
  image: "hero-workshop-placeholder.jpg",
  alt_text: "Multi-layered illustration of UI elements and woman clasping her hands together in excitement",
  size: "small",
  borderless: true,
} do %>
  <% content_for :sage_hero_footer_actions do %>
    <%= sage_component SageButton, {
      value: "Learn more",
      style: "primary",
    } %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

<%= sage_component SageDivider, {} %>

<p>When the Hero is set to contained, the Hero will have margins that push the image away from the sides of the Hero container.</p>

<%= sage_component SageHero, {
  title: "Introducing the Kajabi template store",
  description: "Did you know we offer free workshops? Kajabi experts host live workshops every week on topics from marketing your products to building out your Kajabi account.",
  image: "hero-contained-placeholder.png",
  alt_text: "Multi layered illustration of UI elements and woman smiling to the camera",
  size: "small",
  contained: true,
} do %>
  <% content_for :sage_hero_footer_actions do %>
    <%= sage_component SageButton, {
      style: "primary",
      value: "Learn more",
    } %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

<%= sage_component SageDivider, {} %>

<h2>Custom Background</h2>
<p>When the Hero has a custom background color, the background color will be applied to the entire Hero.</p>

<%= sage_component SageHero, {
  title: "Learn with Kajabi in our live workshops",
  description: "Did you know we offer free workshops? Kajabi experts host live workshops every week on topics from marketing your products to building out your Kajabi account.",
  image: "hero-workshop-placeholder.jpg",
  alt_text: "Multi-layered illustration of UI elements and woman clasping her hands together in excitement",
  custom_background_color: "#e6f4fe",
  size: "small",
} do %>
  <% content_for :sage_hero_footer_actions do %>
    <%= sage_component SageButton, {
      style: "primary",
      value: "Learn more",
    } %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

<%= sage_component SageDivider, {} %>

<h2>Image Start</h2>
<p>When the image is set to start, the image will be placed at the start of the Hero component.</p>

<%= sage_component SageHero, {
  title: "Learn with Kajabi in our live workshops",
  description: "Did you know we offer free workshops? Kajabi experts host live workshops every week on topics from marketing your products to building out your Kajabi account.",
  image: "hero-workshop-placeholder.jpg",
  alt_text: "Multi-layered illustration of UI elements and woman clasping her hands together in excitement",
  size: "small",
  image_start: true,
} do %>
  <% content_for :sage_hero_footer_actions do %>
    <%= sage_component SageButton, {
      value: "Learn more",
      style: "primary",
    } %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

<%= sage_component SageDivider, {} %>

<h2>CTA Attribute</h2>
<p>When the Hero has a CTA attribute, the CTA will be applied to the Hero image.</p>

<%= sage_component SageHero, {
  title: "Learn with Kajabi in our live workshops",
  description: "Did you know we offer free workshops? Kajabi experts host live workshops every week on topics from marketing your products to building out your Kajabi account.",
  image: "hero-workshop-placeholder.jpg",
  alt_text: "Multi-layered illustration of UI elements and woman clasping her hands together in excitement",
  size: "small",
  cta_attributes: {
    "data-js-modaltrigger": "cool-modal",
    href: "#",
} do %>
  <% content_for :sage_hero_footer_actions do %>
    <%= sage_component SageButton, {
      value: "Learn more",
      style: "primary",
    } %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

<%# This is the modal triggered from various examples in this documentation %>
<%= sage_component SageModal, { id: "cool-modal"} do %>
  <%= sage_component SageModalContent, {
    title: "Modal title",
  } do %>
    <% content_for :sage_header_aside do %>
      <%= sage_component SageButton, {
        style: "secondary",
        subtle: true,
        value: "Close Modal",
        icon: { name: "remove", style: "only" },
        attributes: { "data-js-modal": true }
      } %>
    <% end %>

    <p>Add a description of the content you're showing in the modal.</p>

    <% content_for :sage_footer do %>
      <%= sage_component SageButton, {
        style: "secondary",
        value: "Cancel",
      } %>
      <%= sage_component SageButton, {
        style: "primary",
        value: "Confirm",
      } %>
    <% end %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>
Property Description Type Default


Sets the (alt) text for the Hero's image.




Removes border from Hero.




Creates the toggle button for the component.

Sage Component



Include this property in order to activate a "play button" action on the image. This property allows for adding attributes to the Hero image.



Adjusts layout to support images that are NOT full bleed.



Sets a custom background color for Hero.



Sets description text for the Hero




Image for the Hero.




Size for the hero container.

String: ["small", "large"]



Sets the horizontal placement of the image to start within the Hero.




Sets the title for the component.




Sets the heading tag (h1 - h6) for the Hero's title





This area can hold buttons or other CTAs in the content area.

  • When you want to deliver a powerful message, statement, or value proposition immediately upon a user a page or view.

  • To provide a visually compelling first impression.

  • For limited-time events or promotions, where the emphasis is timely and needs immediate attention.

  • If there’s a risk that the Hero might overshadow or distract from other critical content or actions on the page.