For search and 'goto' interactions
This component is React-only, see storybook for usage.
Sage Component
<strong>This component is React-only, see storybook for usage.</strong>
<% itemActions = [
sage_component(SageButton, {
value: "Left icon",
style: "secondary",
subtle: true,
icon: {
style: "only",
name: "arrow-down"
sage_component(SageButton, {
value: "Left icon",
style: "secondary",
subtle: true,
icon: {
style: "only",
name: "pen"
] %>
<% items = [
icon: "folder",
title: "Wonderful Instruments",
actions: itemActions
icon: "assessment",
title: "Dinged Up Dirty Guitar",
sub_title: "Wonderful Instruments / Ones That Need Love /",
actions: itemActions
icon: "video-on",
title: "Purple & Pink Plastic Violins",
sub_title: "Wonderful Instruments /",
actions: itemActions,
icon: "arrow-corner",
title: "Greasy Tuba",
sub_title: "Wonderful Instruments /",
actions: itemActions,
] %>
<div class="sage-typeahead">
<%= sage_component SageSearch, {
placeholder: "Search Products",
value: nil,
contained: true,
label_text: "Search"
} %>
<ul class="sage-typeahead__panel">
<% items.each do |item| %>
<li class="sage-typeahead__item">
<button class="sage-typeahead__item-trigger">
<pds-icon name="<%= item[:icon] %>" class="sage-icon-<%= item[:icon] %>" style="grid-area: icon;"></pds-icon>
<div class="t-sage-heading-6" style="grid-area: title;">
<%= item[:title] %>
<div class="t-sage-body-small" style="grid-area: subTitle;">
<%= item[:sub_title] %>
<div class="sage-typeahead__item-actions">
<% item[:actions].each do |action| %>
<%= action.html_safe %>
<% end %>
<% end %>