Popovers open upon click to show information regarding the section. It has a header/subject, minimal information, and a link to learn more
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris erat urna, eleifend quis mollis ut, vehicula vitae elit. Quisque elementum risus congue, placerat tellus vulputate, ornare neque. Mauris eu quam nisi.
Ut elementum, nulla sit amet viverra vulputate, mi risus dignissim odio, vel aliquam lorem mi nec diam. Donec bibendum tincidunt est, non ultricies nisi efficitur eget. Integer et libero aliquam, efficitur ante ac, auctor dolor. Vivamus aliquet vehicula sollicitudin.

We can add graphics as well as freeform content blocks inside Popovers. We can even provide a custom css class on the content container for additional finesse.
I can put whatever content I want in here and use the custom class as a hook to style it like a good 'ol BEM mixin!
This is a block of content.
This is a block of content.
This is a block of content.
This is a block of content.
This is a block of content.
This is a block of content.
This is a block of content.
This is a block of content.
This is a block of content.
This is a block of content.
This is a block of content.
This is a block of content.
This is a block of content.
This is a block of content.
This is a block of content.
This is a block of content.
This is a block of content.
This is a block of content.
This is a block of content.
This is a block of content.
This is a block of content.
This is a block of content.
This is a block of content.
This is a block of content.
Sage Component
positions = [
setting: "top",
label: "Top",
icon: "arrow-up",
setting: "top-right",
label: "Top Right",
icon: {
name: "arrow-up",
style: "right",
setting: "right",
label: "Right",
icon: {
name: "arrow-right",
style: "right",
setting: "bottom",
label: "Bottom",
icon: "arrow-down",
setting: "bottom-right",
label: "Bottom Right",
icon: {
name: "arrow-down",
style: "right",
setting: "left",
label: "Left",
icon: "arrow-left",
<%= sage_component SageCardBlock, {} do %>
<%= sage_component SageBadge, {
color: "draft",
value: "Standalone Popover"
} %>
<% end %>
<%= sage_component SagePopover, {
title: "Page Title 1",
icon: "question-circle",
trigger_value: "Open Menu",
trigger_icon_only: true,
link: {
href: "#",
name: "Learn more about a thing",
} do %>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Mauris erat urna, eleifend quis mollis ut, vehicula vitae elit.
Quisque elementum risus congue, placerat tellus vulputate, ornare neque.
Mauris eu quam nisi.
Ut elementum, nulla sit amet viverra vulputate, mi risus dignissim odio, vel aliquam lorem mi nec diam.
Donec bibendum tincidunt est, non ultricies nisi efficitur eget.
Integer et libero aliquam, efficitur ante ac, auctor dolor.
Vivamus aliquet vehicula sollicitudin.
<% end %>
<%= sage_component SageCardBlock, {} do %>
<%= sage_component SageBadge, {
color: "draft",
value: "Another Standalone Popover"
} %>
<% end %>
<%= sage_component SagePopover, {
title: "Page Title 2",
icon: "dot-menu-horizontal",
trigger_icon_only: true,
trigger_value: "Open Menu",
link: {
href: "#",
name: "Learn more",
} do %>
<%= content_for :sage_popover_media do %>
<%= image_tag "card-placeholder-lg.png", alt: "" %>
<% end %>
We can add graphics as well as freeform content blocks inside Popovers.
We can even provide a custom css class on the content container for additional finesse.
<% end %>
<%= sage_component SageCardBlock, {} do %>
<%= sage_component SageBadge, {
color: "draft",
value: "Standalone Popover with Customized Content Panel"
} %>
<% end %>
<%= sage_component SagePopover, {
custom_content_class: "demo-custom-popover-panel",
icon: "question-circle",
trigger_value: "Open Menu",
trigger_icon_only: true,
} do %>
<p>I can put whatever content I want in here and use the custom class as a hook to style it like a good 'ol BEM mixin!</p>
<% end %>
<%= sage_component SageCardBlock, {} do %>
<%= sage_component SageBadge, {
color: "draft",
value: "Popover w/ Full Size Trigger"
} %>
<% end %>
<%= sage_component SagePopover, {
custom_content_class: "demo-custom-popover-panel",
icon: "send-message",
trigger_icon_only: false,
trigger_value: "Send Test Email",
popover_position: "bottom",
} do %>
<form style="width: 100%">
<div class="sage-input">
<input type="email" id="form__email1" class="sage-form-field sage-input__field" name="form__email1" placeholder="Email Address" required>
<label for="form__email1" class="sage-input__label">Email Address</label>
<div class="sage-btn-group sage-btn-group--align-end">
<button type="submit" class="sage-btn sage-btn--primary">
<span class="sage-btn__truncate-text">Send</span>
<% end %>
<%= sage_component SageCardBlock, {} do %>
<%= sage_component SageBadge, {
color: "draft",
value: "Popover Positioning"
} %>
<% end %>
<%= sage_component SageCardRow, { grid_template: "oo" } do %>
<% positions.each do | position | %>
<%= sage_component SagePopover, {
title: "Popover #{position[:label]}",
icon: position[:icon],
trigger_icon_only: false,
trigger_value: position[:label],
popover_position: position[:setting],
link: {
href: "#",
name: "Learn more",
} do %>
<p>This is a block of content.</p>
<p>This is a block of content.</p>
<p>This is a block of content.</p>
<p>This is a block of content.</p>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
Property | Description | Type | Default |
A class to add to the panel's content contianer for custom styling.
When present, |
String |
Which icon to display in the panel trigger button. |
String |
If provided, this turns on the actions area with a link that points to the provided URL. |
Where to position the popover panel in relation to the trigger button. |
The heading to show at the top of the popover. |
String |
Whether or not the trigger button should only show an icon and not a label |
Boolean |
The text label to show on the trigger |
String |
Content Slots | |||
Slot into which graphics or other media can be placed. Additional styling may be needed in such customized contexts. |