Basic table component
Responsive table with borders
Title | Products | Price | Qty sold | Net revenue | Status |
Quam non nunc eu imperdiet | 2 | $328.00 | 0 | 0 | Draft |
Cursus purus sed at quisque | 3 | $490.00 | 453 | $275.43 | Published |
Sit quis a enim venenatis elit ac | 4 | $219.00 | 536 | $739.65 | Published |
Table with highlighted rows and block cells
Mattis | Justo Inceptos |
First item Accepted
Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non
Porta Ipsum |
Second item On hold
Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum
Dapibus Vulputate |
Table with selectively truncated cells
Individual cells should be assigned the .sage-table-cell--truncate
class. Not suggested for use with long strings of important text: use the responsive (scrolling) table instead.
Malesuada | Amet Cras | Consectetur |
Warning | $20,323.30 USD | Sed posuere consectetur |
Draft | $1,101,444.31 USD | Curabitur blandit tempus |
Hiding and showing cell content
Individual cells can make use of the Sage Grid classes for responsive display of content. Refer to the Grid documentation for more details.
Remember to apply the same classes equally to all related vertical columns, or the structure of the table will be misaligned.
Malesuada | Amet Cras |
Hidden < sm breakpoint
Hidden < lg breakpoint
Donec sed odio dui | Draft | Lorem Tristique | Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis |
Nulla non metus | Complete | Euismod Dapibus | Curabitur blandit tempus |
Using `sage_table_for`
As an alternative to directly calling the SageTable component, a helper variation is available that allows for formatting table columns in a more compositional fashion.
This involves calling sage_table_for
with a collection, and then using t.column ... do |c|
blocks to provide templates for each column of data. See the "Properties" tab for documentation of the available parameters.
NOTE: This is an MVP implementation based on a helper written earlier for kajabi-products
and may not be fully aligned with SageTable. It is safe to use, but should be tracked against future updates.
Name | Price | Amount | Labels | Status | Actions | |||
| Albert Flores | [email protected] | $420.00 USD | 1 | green house | Published | ||
| Eleanor Pena | [email protected] | $420.00 USD | 1 | red | Draft | ||
| Lily Jones | [email protected] | $420.00 USD | 1 | house | Warning | ||
| Kathryn Murphy | [email protected] | $420.00 USD | 1 | red house | Locked | ||
| Darelene Robertson | [email protected] | $420.00 USD | 1 | Danger | |||
| Ralph Edwards | [email protected] | $420.00 USD | 1 | Draft | |||
| Jenny Wilson | [email protected] | $420.00 USD | 1 | Published |
Sage Component
people_data = [
initials: 'AF',
name: 'Albert Flores',
email: '[email protected]',
price: '$420.00 USD',
amount: '1',
labels: ["green", "house"],
status: 'published'
initials: 'EP',
name: 'Eleanor Pena',
email: '[email protected]',
price: '$420.00 USD',
amount: '1',
labels: ["red"],
status: 'draft'
initials: 'LJ',
name: 'Lily Jones',
email: '[email protected]',
price: '$420.00 USD',
amount: '1',
labels: ["house"],
status: 'warning'
initials: 'KM',
name: 'Kathryn Murphy',
email: '[email protected]',
price: '$420.00 USD',
amount: '1',
labels: ["red", "house"],
status: 'locked'
initials: 'DR',
name: 'Darelene Robertson',
email: '[email protected]',
price: '$420.00 USD',
amount: '1',
labels: [],
status: 'danger'
initials: 'RE',
name: 'Ralph Edwards',
email: '[email protected]',
price: '$420.00 USD',
amount: '1',
labels: [],
status: 'draft'
initials: 'JW',
name: 'Jenny Wilson',
email: '[email protected]',
price: '$420.00 USD',
amount: '1',
labels: [],
status: 'published'
sample_table = {
headers: [
"Qty sold",
"Net revenue",
rows: [
value_1: "Quam non nunc eu imperdiet",
value_2: "2",
value_3: "$328.00",
value_4: "0",
value_5: "0",
value_6: sage_component(SageBadge, {
color: "draft",
value: "Draft",
value_1: "Cursus purus sed at quisque",
value_2: "3",
value_3: "$490.00",
value_4: "453",
value_5: "$275.43",
value_6: sage_component(SageBadge, {
color: "published",
value: "Published",
value_1: "Sit quis a enim venenatis elit ac",
value_2: "4",
value_3: "$219.00",
value_4: "536",
value_5: "$739.65",
value_6: sage_component(SageBadge, {
color: "published",
value: "Published",
<h3 class="t-sage-heading-6">Responsive table with borders</h3>
<%= sage_component SageTable, {
has_borders: true,
headers: sample_table[:headers],
rows: sample_table[:rows],
caption: "Responsive tables require the use of two parent containers",
caption_side: "top",
} %>
<h3 class="t-sage-heading-6">Table with highlighted rows and block cells</h3>
<%= sage_component SageTable, {
caption: %(
Block cells can be used with anchor tags to link the entire cell, or <code><div></code> and <code><span></code> elements for content
headers: [
"Justo Inceptos"
selectable: true,
responsive: false,
rows: [
<a href="#" class="sage-table-cell__block sage-table-cell__link">
<div class="sage-table-cell__heading">
<p class="sage-table-cell__title">First item</p>
<span class="sage-table-cell__label sage-label sage-label--success">Accepted</span>
<div class="sage-table-cell__body">
Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non
%(<a href="#" class="sage-table-cell__link">Porta Ipsum</a>)
<a href="#" class="sage-table-cell__block sage-table-cell__link">
<div class="sage-table-cell__heading">
<p class="sage-table-cell__title">Second item</p>
<span class="sage-table-cell__label sage-label sage-label--warning">On hold</span>
<div class="sage-table-cell__body">
Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum
%(<a href="#" class="sage-table-cell__link">Dapibus Vulputate</a>)
} %>
<h3 class="t-sage-heading-6">Table with selectively truncated cells</h3>
<p>Individual cells should be assigned the <code>.sage-table-cell--truncate</code> class. Not suggested for use with long strings of <em>important</em> text: use the responsive (scrolling) table instead.</p>
<%= sage_component SageTable, {
headers: [
"Amet Cras",
rows: [
%(<span class="sage-table-cell__label sage-label sage-label--danger">Warning</span>),
"$20,323.30 USD",
value: "Sed posuere consectetur",
html_attributes: {
class: "sage-table-cell--truncate"
%(<span class="sage-table-cell__label sage-label sage-label--draft">Draft</span>),
"$1,101,444.31 USD",
value: "Curabitur blandit tempus",
html_attributes: {
class: "sage-table-cell--truncate"
} %>
<h3 class="t-sage-heading-6">Hiding and showing cell content</h3>
<p>Individual cells can make use of the <a class="sage-link" href="<%= pages_patterns_path(:grid) %>">Sage Grid</a> classes for responsive display of content. Refer to the <a class="sage-link" href="<%= pages_patterns_path(:grid) %>#grid-responsive-show-hide">Grid documentation</a> for more details.</p>
<p>Remember to apply the same classes equally to <strong>all related vertical columns</strong>, or the structure of the table will be misaligned.</p>
<%= sage_component SageTable, {
headers: [
"Amet Cras",
{ html_attributes: { class: "sage-col--sm-hide" }, value: %(Hidden < <code>sm</code> breakpoint) },
{ html_attributes: { class: "sage-col--lg-hide" }, value: %(Hidden < <code>lg</code> breakpoint) },
selectable: true,
rows: [
"Donec sed odio dui",
%(<span class="sage-table-cell__label sage-label sage-label--draft">Draft</span>),
{ html_attributes: { class: "sage-col--sm-hide" }, value: "Lorem Tristique" },
{ html_attributes: { class: "sage-col--lg-hide" }, value: "Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis" },
"Nulla non metus",
%(<span class="sage-table-cell__label sage-label sage-label--success">Complete</span>),
{ html_attributes: { class: "sage-col--sm-hide" }, value: "Euismod Dapibus" },
{ html_attributes: { class: "sage-col--lg-hide" }, value: "Curabitur blandit tempus" },
} %>
<h3>Using `sage_table_for`</h3>
<%= md("
As an alternative to directly calling the SageTable component, a helper variation is available that allows for formatting table columns in a more compositional fashion.
This involves calling `sage_table_for` with a collection, and then using `t.column ... do |c|` blocks to provide templates for each column of data. See the \"Properties\" tab for documentation of the available parameters.
**NOTE:** This is an MVP implementation based on a helper written earlier for `kajabi-products` and may not be fully aligned with SageTable. It is safe to use, but should be tracked against future updates.
") %>
<%= sage_table_for people_data, selectable: true, sortable: true, responsive: true, caption: "Caption positioned above using `caption_side`".html_safe, caption_side: "top" do |t| %>
<% t.column :initials, label: "", data_type: "checkbox" do |c| %>
<%= sage_component SageCheckbox, {
label_text: 'Select row',
standalone: true,
id: "table-row-#{c[:initials]}",
attributes: {
# NOTE: Wire up selection logic as needed using `onchange` event handlers
# onchange: "console.log('toggled #{c[:name]}');"
} %>
<% end %>
<% t.column :initials, label: "", data_type: "avatar" do |c| %>
<%= sage_component SageAvatar, {
initials: c[:initials],
color: SageTokens::COLORS[rand(7)],
} %>
<% end %>
<% t.column :name, label: "Name", strong: true, truncate: true do |c| %>
<span data-js-tooltip="<%= c[:name] %>">
<%= c[:name] %>
<% end %>
<% t.column :email, label: "Email", truncate: true do |c| %>
<span data-js-tooltip="<%= c[:email] %>">
<%= c[:email] %>
<% end %>
<% t.column :price, label: "Price", style: "width: 140px", hide: { md: true } do |c| %>
<%= c[:price] %>
<% end %>
<% t.column :amount, label: "Amount", style: "width: 100px", hide: { md: true } do |c| %>
<%= c[:amount] %>
<% end %>
<% t.column :labels, label: "Labels", style: "width: 150px", hide: { sm: true } do |c| %>
<% c[:labels].each do |label| %>
<%= sage_component SageBadge, {
value: label,
color: "info",
} %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% t.column :status, label: "Status", style: "width: 100px", hide: { sm: true } do |c| %>
<%= sage_component SageBadge, {
value: c[:status].titlecase,
color: c[:status],
} %>
<% end %>
<% t.column :actions, label: "Actions", style: "width: 100px" do |c| %>
<%= sage_component SageButtonGroup, { gap: :xs } do %>
<%= sage_component SageButton, {
subtle: true,
value: 'Edit',
icon: { name: 'pen', style: 'only' },
style: 'primary',
attributes: {
href: "?edit=#edit",
"data-js-tooltip": "Edit",
} %>
<%= sage_component SageButton, {
subtle: true,
value: 'Delete',
icon: { name: 'trash', style: 'only' },
style: 'danger',
attributes: {
href: "?remove=#delete",
"data-js-tooltip": "Delete",
} %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
Property | Description | Type | Default |
Sets the caption for the component. |
Boolean |
Sets the caption position for the component. |
String: [ |
Decreases vertical padding between items in the component. |
Boolean |
When set to |
Boolean |
An array of strings that will serves as the headers for the table. |
Array |
Resets the top margin of the component. |
Boolean |
Resets the bottom margin of the component. |
Boolean |
Allows the table to scroll horizontally without breaking its parent container. Requires the use of two containing elements: the parent with class |
Boolean |
Array of items to populate the table. These items are key/value pairs. |
Array |
Adds a background color when a user hovers over rows. |
Boolean |
Alternate: |
A collection from which the table data will be formatted. |
Array of Objects |
Allows a limited subset of the properties listed above for Table:
The following properties are unique to
See properties above |
Varies |
Alternate column formatter: |
An alias/identifier for the column/attribute. While this does not have to align to a property from the collection itself,
if |
Symbol |
A set of options for the columns including:
Hash |
- Make use of the
, andtfoot
elements. While not required, they provide a useful indicator of semantics for accessibility purposes. - Use the
element to provide additional description to the table
- Don't forget to add both wrappers for a responsive table.